What can we say, there are enough features in the German language. I would like to present you a selection of especially interesting ones!

  1. Der Ohrwurm
    is an example of a German word that has no analogue in English. Do not try to translate literally! It means an obsessive melody that you heard somewhere and then hum all day long! (pen pineapple apple pen xD)
  2. Ich habe einen Kater!
    I’m hungover (not “I have a cat”). You can also have a muscular cat . What do you think it is? 

  3. Want to use the toilet? – What could be easier? 
    Ich will ins Klo you will say!… and break the friendly laughter of the present Germans xD

    Why? It’s simple. Firstly, not ich will, but ich muss – you want to go to the toilet not because you like the atmosphere there or you think this pastime is useful, but because you need it. And secondly and most importantly, ins Klo means you want to get inside the toilet… auf das Klo (aufs Klo) is what you want to say! Remember, this is important –  Ich muss aufs Klo!
  4. Zungenbrecher  (“tongue breaker”)
    This is how tongue twisters are called in German  . 
    · Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische. Frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze.
    · Ein weißer Whiskeymixer mixt weißen Whiskey. Weißen Whiskey mixt ein weißer Whiskeymixer.
    · Im dichten Fichtendickicht picken die flinken Finken tüchtig.
  5. The 3 d’s (der, die, das) 
    We have to learn German words, immediately remembering their gender. No other way. Although there are some patterns that can simplify this task. But they do not apply to all nouns.
  6. The Germans have a rather complicated system of farewells:
    bis gleich! – if you see each other no further than an hour or two
    bis später! – if you see again today
    bis heute Abend! – until the evening!
    bis heute / morgen Mittag! – until today / tomorrow lunch
    bis morgen früh! – until tomorrow morning
    bis bald! – if the time of your next meeting has not yet been determined, but most likely not in the coming days
    bis demnächst! – if the time of your next meeting has not yet been determined, but most likely in the coming days
    And of course Auf Wiedersehen! and Tschüß! xD

  7. If a word (or a syllable of a word) ends with R, then you will not hear any R there. In this case, R is replaced by a short “A”. 4real! 
    For example: das Bier [das bia], verstehen [fashteen]. 
  8. Quite often you can hear, for example, the phrase “Es ist ganz schön kalt hier”. And it’s not very beautifully cold. 
    In this context, “ganz schön” means “pretty” (like the word ziemlich).
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