Der, die or das? When to use the definite or indefinite article? How to determine the gender of a noun and how to use German articles? Almost all nouns in German are preceded by a small word that scares even native speakers, but we are not intimidated!
Masculine gender
by object
- male persons – der Mann (man), der Junge (boy)
- male animals – der Bär (bear)
- cardinal points – der Norden (north)
- seasons – der Sommer (summer), der Winter (winter)
- names of months – der Januar (January), der Mai (May), der September (September)
- days of the week – der Montag (Monday), der Mittwoch (Wednesday), der Sonntag (Sunday)
- times of day – der Morgen (morning), but die Nacht (night)
- precipitation – der Regen (rain), der Schnee (snow)
- minerals – der Granit (granite)
- stones – der Rubin (ruby)
- the names of the mountains – der Harz (Harz)
- names of lakes – der Müritz (Müritz)
- alcoholic drinks – der Wodka (vodka), der Sekt (sparkling wine), but das Bier (beer)
- monetary units – der Euro (euro), die Krone (crown), die Mark (mark)
- celestial bodies – der Mond (moon), but die Venus (venus), die Sonne (sun)
- names of car brands – der Opel, der BMW
By ending
Nouns with suffixes:
- -er – der Fahrer (driver)
- -ler – der Sportler (sportsman)
- -ner – der Gärtner (gardener)
- -ling – der Lehrling (student)
- -s – der Fuchs (fox)
Note: Do not confuse the <-er> suffix in derived nouns with words ending in <-er>: die Mutter, die Tochter, das Fenster, etc.
Foreign words with suffixes:
- -ent – der Student (student)
- -ant – der Laborant (laboratory assistant)
- -ist – der Publizist (publicist)
- -et – der Poet (poet)
- -ot – der Pilot (pilot)
- -at – der Kandidat (candidate)
- -soph – der Philosoph (philosopher)
- -nom – der Astronom (astronomer)
- -graph – der Photograph (photographer)
- -eur – der Ingenieur (engineer)
- -ier – der Pionier (pioneer)
- -ar – der Jubilar (jubilee)
- -är – der Sekretär (secretary)
- -or – der Doktor (doctor)
Feminine gender
By object
- female persons – die Frau (woman), but das Mädchen (girl/see neuter)
- female animals – die Kuh (cow), but das Huhn (chicken), das Schaf (sheep)
- the names of the trees – die Birke (birch), but der Ahorn (maple)
- color names – die Aster (aster), but der Mohn (poppy), der Kaktus (cactus)
- the names of the berries – die Himbeere (raspberry)
- the name of fruits and vegetables – die Birne (pear), but der Apfel (apple), der Pfirsich (peach), der Kohl (cabbage), der Kürbis (pumpkin)
- most German rivers – die Elbe, die Oder, die Spree, but der Rhein, der Main, der Neckar
By ending
Nouns with suffixes:
- -in – die Laborantin (laboratory assistant)
- -ung – die Übung (exercise)
- -heit – die Freiheit (freedom)
- -keit – die Möglichkeit (opportunity)
- -schaft – die Landschaft (terrain)
- -ei – die Malerei (painting)
Foreign words with stressed suffixes:
- -ie – die Chemie (chemistry)
- -tät – die Universität (university)
- -tion – die Station (station)
- -ur – die Kultur (culture)
- -ik – die Physik (physics)
- -age – die Reportage (reportage)
- -ade – die Fassade (facade)
- -anz – die Ambulanz (ambulance)
- -enz – die Existenz (existence)
Most nouns with ending in -e:
- die Liebe (love)
- die Kälte (cold)
- die Hilfe (help)
- die Lampe (lamp)
Note: There are also a number of masculine nouns ending in -e: der Kollege, der Junge, der Name, der Gedanke, der Käse and several neuter nouns: das Ende, das Interesse, das Auge.
Neuter gender
Nouns with suffixes:
- -chen – das Mädchen (girl)
- -lein – das Tischlein (table)
- -(s)tel – das Fünftel (one-fifth)
Most nouns with suffixes:
- -tum
- das Eigentum (property), but der Reichtum, der Irrtum
- -nis
- das Verhältnis (relation), but die Kenntnis, die Erlaubnis
Foreign words (objects and abstract concepts) ending in:
- -(i)um – das Stadium (stadium)
- -ett – das Kabinett (cabinet)
- -ment – das Dokument (document)
- -ma – das Drama (drama)
- -o – das Kino (cinema)
Nouns with the Ge- prefix:
- das Gewässer (waters/stretch of water)
- das Gebirge (mountain range)
- das Gemälde (painting)
Nouns formed from verbs:
- das Laufen (run) – from laufen (to run)
- das Lesen (read) – from lesen (to read)
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